Fighting Food Waste, better for you, Crafted with Care.

At Small Batch Gourmet, we're passionate about creating delicious, healthy, and sustainable food using the freshest ingredients. But we're also committed to fighting a big problem: food waste.

In Australia alone, millions of tons of perfectly edible food gets thrown away every year. That's a huge waste of resources – water, fertilizer, the farmer's hard work – and it could be feeding families in need.

We believe change can start small. At home, we can avoid overbuying and embrace "wonky" produce that supermarkets reject for cosmetic reasons. After all, nature doesn't create fruits and vegetables following a perfect blueprint!

But what happens to this "imperfect" produce? What about the resources already invested? Farmers can't simply discard it.

Here's where Small Batch Gourmet steps in. We buy these "misfit" fruits and veggies – the ones that are a little wonky, too small, or a bit too big. We then transform them into delicious sauces and chutneys, ensuring nothing goes to waste.

By choosing Small Batch Gourmet, you're not just enjoying amazing flavors, you're also supporting a sustainable future. Get sauced, shop local, eat real food and fight food waste with us!

Rosemary Gooch - proprietor

After many years managing businesses in the food industry, I could see the emerging trend in the condiment sector. Coupled with a burning desire to make a difference to food waste that the food industry generate, Small Batch Gourmet was born.

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